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Java Intermediate


Java Intermediate

So you?ve mastered the basics of Java are want to deepen your skills? That?s great! This course will give you knowledge you can use to develop mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps, games and much more. You?ll learn how to develop more advanced and powerful Java programs. This course is the perfect follow-on to our Introduction to Java course. We suggest you take a quick look at the outline of that course to make sure you?re comfortable with those concepts. If you are, then dive right into Intermediate Java!

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What you'll learn

Object-oriented programming principles
Embed object-oriented programming principles to reduce complexity in your programs and make them reusable.
Write once, use many! Define and use methods to make your code modular and readable
Hide and protect your data with encapsulation
Use classes as blueprints (or templates) to create programming objects. Use the principle of inheritance to create new classes that are built upon existing classes.
Use interfaces to define behaviours and add flexibility and re-usability for software components
Anticipate, minimise and handle problems and errors in your program by turning them into exceptions
Increase the efficiently of your program by doing multiple things at the same time/multitasking with Java threads.
Store and manipulate groups of objects with ArrayList
Use HashMap to define connections/relations/links/pairs between data and optimise data search and manipulation
Scanner class
Create programs that interface with files and users to take data in/out with the Scanner class.

What you'll learn

CHEAT SHEET: How To Initialize Arrays In Java
Arrays are best understood in Java as data structures that store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. Put another way, arrays are used to store a collection of data, but you can also think of an array as a collection of variables of the same type. So how do you go about initializing arrays in Java to get the most out of the language? This guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to use this particular type of Java object.
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What Is Groovy?
Some of the most popular programming languages available to software engineers today didn?t start out that way. Perhaps the foremost examples of this phenomenon are Python and Ruby, which are both syntaxes that have gained massive followings worldwide among programmers over the past few decades and remain in widespread use today. Often, as technology evolves, niche languages that seemed formerly limited in their abilities become increasingly popular as developers find new applications for them in emerging sectors, such as data science or machine learning.
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3 Languages You Should Know To Become An Android Developer
While Apple often gets much of the hype and glitter in the United States and other Western economies, Android devices remain far more prevalent and popular throughout the world. From Samsung to LG, Huawei to Google, there are a plethora of companies creating Android-powered devices that only thrive thanks to the capabilities and possibilities of Android operating systems. This also means that because of the importance of good Android OS options, Android developers continue to be in significant demand around the world.
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